The Precious Metals Asset Lease Fund is designed for investors looking to participate indirectly in the production and trade of precious minerals. It provides a range of investment options, from simple, low-risk securitized debt instruments to high-risk convertible debt that can transform into equity. This flexible structure allows investors to align their risk appetite with their financial goals, offering opportunities for growth across different stages of the mineral production process.
How it works
This package aims to invest in miners precious metals by leasing out mining equipment to small/medium size scale miners. The lease will be secured against future output from the mine backed by a commercial guarantee. The Fund will be further stratified into layers depending on the level of return desired.
Who can invest?
This is for experienced investors who wish to take above average risk, who understand the commodities market and have a medium to long-term horizon.
Targets to provide options to indirectly participate in the production and trade of precious mineral, with options to take only simple risks through securitized debt instruments to convertible high risk debt which can be turned into equity.
Minimum investment will be USD 10,000.Recommended investment tenure is 3 years up to 5 years.